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 From selecting your property to portfolio management, we have you covered!

TeamCNN is here to help you achieve your goals through wealth creation. Our own unique way and approach not only make us different but also successful. We provide a wide range of services and solutions to help you facilitate change, optimize performance and also productivity.

We stand ready to help you!

Family Viewing House

Acquiring your First Property


Buying your first property is a pretty big deal & can be a daunting one as well. Be in the know and save yourself from the headaches and worries by consulting us for a professional step-by-step guide so you will be more confident to move forward and get your dream home!

  Do you know that...

your HDB property is an asset that probably many still do not know how to fully take advantage of?

Don't let your worries and concerns stop you from achieving true financial freedom!  
Read on to discover how and let us help you!

Common Questions HDB Owners Have In Mind

Happy family

Question 1

Are we eligible to upgrade from

a HDB to a private property?

man 8

Question 2

Can I afford to service my monthly mortgage with my current financial status?

Female Student

Question 3

Will my savings be depleted

after upgrading?

Many HDB owners do have the above concerns about the concept of upgrading.

However, through our detailed Financial Calculation & Step-By-Step Property Wealth Planning strategies, we have assisted many HDB owners to leverage their properties with a clearer investment plan mapped out for the next 5 to 10 years!

Do you know that by locking away your CPF funds in your existing property could deplete your future gains?

You would lose...

The 2.5% interest that could have been earned if you had maintained the sum in your Ordinary Account.

You would lose...

On the cash profits upon selling your flat as you will need to return back the 2.5% accrued interest gained over the years to your Ordinary Account.

That is a 5% Opportunity Cost Loss every Year!

In other words, for every $200K locked in your property, you would have lost $55,250 in a matter of

5 years. If you decide to stay for another 5 years, your total opportunity loss could be up to $125,770 (which is 62.8% of your investment). And this opportunity loss does not include the loan interest you are paying to service your home loan.

3 Reasons to
Upgrade your HDB Flat!

Save interests by resetting your CPF contribution to your home loan.

Maximize your profit gain from existing flat & grow your wealth within the next 3 - 5 years.

Enjoy housing grants and top-up while improving your family lifestyles.

Stylist Modern Study
HDB vs Private.png

Do you know?

HDB prices have been stagnant since 2013. In fact, it has been going on a downward trend!
Whereas private properties' (non-landed) capital gain is standing at a whopping +157%!
Should you continue to hold your HDB flat or upgrade with minimal to $0 cash outlay?

Let's look at these 2 families...


Case Study 1

Mr and Mrs Zainal share a combined income of S$8k.
They own a 5 room HDB flat

Upon learning about assets progression planning, they have since...

Sold their 5 rooms HDB flat!

Upgraded to a 3 bedder condo in the East and cashed out more than $200,000!

All without touching their personal savings!


Case Study 2

Mr and Mrs Lee's 4 room BTO flat reached the Minimum Occupation Period.
Upon learning about assets progression planning, they have since...
Upgraded to a 3 bedder condo at low entry price.
Invested in another 1 bedder condo passive income!

All without touching their personal savings!

What can you gain from a sharing session?

A detailed financial
calculation to understand
your financial standing.

How you can achieve
huge Potential Upside
from your properties.

An achievable asset
progression plan that can
help you to unlock cash funds.

A 4-step calculation of
costs involved such as cash
outlay & stamp duty.

A far-sighted "Roadmap"
that can allow you to retire
earlier & comfortably.

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Disclaimer: The case studies are for educational use only and we make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, or completeness of its contents. Any forward-looking statements outlined in this landing page are simply our opinions, estimates, expectations or forecasts for future potential, and thus are not guarantees or promises for actual performance. As required by law, we can make no guarantees that you will achieve any results. Results will vary from case to case.


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